Thursday, October 11, 2018

I am Back!!

     Its been quite a long time since I have posted anything, jobs, illness, and family matters, and everything in-between. Since my last post I no longer am a StampinUp  Demonstator for now but I still love their products. Its just been recently that I got back into my craft-room, am enjoying stamping again. Over a year ago I had to quit my job because of  illness, and I haven't been able to enjoy crafting till now, so I am taking advantage while I feel well .. I am doing better so looking for that light at the end of the tunnel. lol

I used mostly StampinUp products, but a few I got from Joann
Stamps- SU: Costume Bears (retired) , past Paper Pumpkin kit
Paper-SU: Basic Black, Old Olive, retired DSP Old Olive
Accessories: from Joann

Stamp: SU- Googly Ghouls (retired)
Paper: SU- Wisper White, Old Olive, Retired DSP Old Olive
Ribbon- SU Whisper white satin  (I used stampin' blendabilities Dark 
Smokey Slate pen to change the color of the ribbon. works great.)

Stamps- SU Serene Silhouettes (Retired), 
The crow: A Past SU Paper Pumpkin kit
Happy Halloween: The Cottage Stamper, Inc,
To make the moon image you need a round punch, post it notes,
 and sponges. First Punch out a circle and used the round piece with the sticky side as a mask on your paper. Then sponge the background any color you desire. when done remove the circle, and then  use the left over piece with the 
whole in it to sponge the moon with yellow or orange, what ever you wish. Then 
finish your project with an inked image on top, and your done. I did add glitter to 
the moon for special effect, looks cool I think..

 I think that's enough sharing for now, HappyStamping!

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