Thursday, February 12, 2015

Butterfly Basics

Card recipe: 
Paper: Always Artichoke, Elegant Eggplant, Whisper White.
Inks: Always Artichoke, Elegant Eggplant, Basic Black,Wisteria Wonder, Baked Brown Sugar.
Stamp set: Butterfly Basics
also used the Butterflies Thinlits Dies

Another new stamp set that is also one of my new faves is the Butterfly Basics, this set comes in wood mount, clear, and the new photopolymer... It also has a butterflies thinlits dies that match the set, StampinUp offers a discount when you bundle the stamp set with the thinlits.. Its a great bargain, also the price is different depending on which type of stamp set you choose, for example photopolymer is the best deal it sells for $41.50, wood is the most at 
$61. 95, and clear is $51.75.. I prefer the photopolymer, not only is it a good deal, but you can see right though the stamps, this makes it way easier for placement and mistakes.. Also StampinUp is having their Sale-A-Bration's sale, for every $50 in orders you place before shipping and tax, you get to pick a free item form the Sale-A-Bration catty.. Runs until March 31, 2015, don't miss out!!

If you love these as much as I do go to my website to check out these offers..

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