Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Look what came in the mail, today!!!

March's Paper Pumpkin..... So happy it's here.. StampinUp does a great job putting the kits together every month... Enough supplies to make 9 cards... This kit has added a sewing design, which is different, then any of the other kits I have revived.. Its always nice to get something differnt every month... Can't wait to start on this one.. There are already some great out of the box ideas on pinterest... Ckeck it out out for yourself..

Friday, March 13, 2015

Fun Friday

This is my first try at card in a box.. I made for my mother-in-law... Certainly was fun trying something new.. There are quite a few out there that people are making, some pretty creative too... I watched a youtube tutorial by Brianna Thompson from Mommy Stamper.. Her institutions were very helpful.. Cant wait to send this to my mother-in-law...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Throw Back Thursday

Today's TBT is from an old StampinUp set called Feathered Friends.. It came as a set of 8, from the year 1999..
Use to love this set, its an oldie, but a goodie, but there are more newer sets I just love more... I also used a retired color Regal Rose..every thing else is from the current SU Catty...

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

what's new Wednesday

This stamp is in the occasions catty....
Indescribable Gift, is another on my favorites list.. First I inked up the stamp with versa mark, then embossed in white. I used a SU blender pen and SU classic stamp pads to color the image on "Crumb Cake", card stock.. So love this technique..

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday Tips & Technique Day


If your like me, sometimes I get a little extra adhesive where I don't want it.. A great tool that has saved many of my cards is the adhesive remover, its acts and feel like a eraser.. If you find your self in this situatsituation use the adhesive remover in one direction.. They are a very inexpensive tool, worth their weight in gold..

StampinUp sells them for $3.50 US

Monday, March 9, 2015

I am back to blogging!!!

Been sick for a week, my lovely hubby shared his cold virus with me.. Finally feel like my self again. Yay!! Time to get back to stamping again, oh how I've missed my stamping time..
Today is M.U.S.E. Day and this weeks shout out goes out to "Mercedes Weber", and her wonderful idea using thinlits to make you own stamps from thin fun foam.. This is defiantly something I want to try.. Thanks Mercedes for the great out of the box idea!!

Monday, March 2, 2015

M.U.S.E Monday

Whats  M.U.S.E Monday you ask, it stands for Motivate, Unique, Spark, Excite.. I want to share my pick for this week that goes to someone or something that motivates me, is unique, sparks my creativity, or excites the crafter in me...
 This weeks M.U.S.E. is Jodi Reinert and her Youtube video on using StampinUp's Blendablilities for backgrounds, I love it.... This is my first try at this technique, and I plan on experimenting again... Thanks Jodi for inspiring me this week!